Simon Sinek Books

The Infinite Game
This is the third book in the series, The Infinite Game brings some more insight for how successful business run with ideas that can be applied to life itself. There are common threads with what I have read in other books making a kind of convergence, or general understanding on how to perceive life and how this can be extended to running a business as well. This can be extended to investments as well, gaining money out of it is a finite endeavour while investing into something you believe in not only may have a good return on investment, but promote that cause at the same time.
Leaders Eat Last
This is the 2nd book in the series published by Simon Sinek, focusing on leadership and the responsibility of leaders towards their employees presenting different philosophies in this regard and how they played out in history. It does look like the events are cherry-picked to make the point and the "servant leader" idea seems to be presented in a good light and illustrating few of the downsides of this approach. It does not always work, to be a servant leader you definitely need to have a following that appreciates this kind of people, otherwise you may get run over and taken for granted. This is the first time I was introduced to the chemicals in our brain and Simon Sinek provides an overview for them, for more, accurate, information one would best consult with neuroscience papers and scientists.
Start With Why
Start With Why written by Simon Sinek is a book that focuses on motivation and leadership, mostly about having a drive that can sustain a company long-term rather than chasing short-term goals that pay-off in the moment, but sacrifice the future. The book covers a lot of areas, most of which can be applied to every day life, it does not apply only to organizations.