Andrei15193's blog

Thoughts, ideas and whatnot

Andrei15193's blog

Hi, this is a place where I post thoughts, ideas and notes about different things, do not expect an open journal or anything like that although you may grasp some of the way I think and perceive the world, but that happens with anyone exposing anything so long it is genuine.

I do hope you find useful information here, if you have questions or anything you will need to contact me as I don't want this to be a place for dialogue, I want this to be a place where I share things, if you want to talk or comment reach out on one of the many social platforms.


Recent Posts

Scrum Guide

The Scrum Guide is a short book available for free as an e-book. It provides and describes the Scrum framework with all the mandatory elements.

The Richest Man in Babylon

A short book of multiple tales about getting rich, and what is required to get to that point. There are reoccurring lessons which generally boils down to having discipline and control of self, saving money in small amounts and later on investing that small fortune to create more wealth. Reducing and eliminating debt as that is generally a sign of someone living beyond their means as well as owning a home so that the place of comfort and safety is secure.

The Infinite Game

This is the third book in the series, The Infinite Game brings some more insight for how successful business run with ideas that can be applied to life itself. There are common threads with what I have read in other books making a kind of convergence, or general understanding on how to perceive life and how this can be extended to running a business as well. This can be extended to investments as well, gaining money out of it is a finite endeavour while investing into something you believe in not only may have a good return on investment, but promote that cause at the same time.

Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life

This is a continuation from the previous book, 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos, following up with another set of 12 rules. Same as before, these are key take-aways for myself and this is definitely a book that should be read, in my humble opinion, and take notes from. There is a lot that is covered and what is written applies and resonates differently to different people.

The Fifth Agreement: A Practical Guide to Self-Mastery

A continuation, and a recap, of the previous book, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. The 5th Agreement presents all the previous 4 agreements that are important to understand and apply in everyday life and brings a new one with more insight. The core idea around these two books is that we have made a number of agreements, regardless of whether we remember them or not, with ourselves which can make our life good or miserable. The important aspect is that we can change these agreements, we can take back old ones and make new ones in order to improve our life. The idea of personal responsibility is present throughout the book as we are the ones that make and accept these agreements.

12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos

Joran B. Peterson presents a set of 12 Rules for Life, although there is likely that we need more than that, these focus on the critical elements of life covering from life philosophies to biological mechanisms that are deeply rooted within us. What I wrote here are key take-aways for myself, this book is worth reading and taking notes for yourself.

Leaders Eat Last

This is the 2nd book in the series published by Simon Sinek, focusing on leadership and the responsibility of leaders towards their employees presenting different philosophies in this regard and how they played out in history. It does look like the events are cherry-picked to make the point and the "servant leader" idea seems to be presented in a good light and illustrating few of the downsides of this approach. It does not always work, to be a servant leader you definitely need to have a following that appreciates this kind of people, otherwise you may get run over and taken for granted. This is the first time I was introduced to the chemicals in our brain and Simon Sinek provides an overview for them, for more, accurate, information one would best consult with neuroscience papers and scientists.

Start With Why

Start With Why written by Simon Sinek is a book that focuses on motivation and leadership, mostly about having a drive that can sustain a company long-term rather than chasing short-term goals that pay-off in the moment, but sacrifice the future. The book covers a lot of areas, most of which can be applied to every day life, it does not apply only to organizations.

Code Kata Pool Party

As with any profession, training makes mastery, repetition is learning and challenges bring new levels of understanding. This is also applicable to software development and compared to most other professions, it is probably one of the easiest to develop. Anyone with a laptop and WiFi can write code and publish an app from absolutely anywhere, can we say the same about doctors, musicians or athletes? It is more difficult for them than it is for us, yet they practice.