Contains the parse nodes representing a mark-up document.
Name | Summary |
CodeElement | Represents an inline code snippet. |
Element | Represents the base class for all parse tree node types. |
EmphasisElement | Represents an emphasised part of text. |
Heading1Element | Represents a level 1 heading. |
Heading2Element | Represents a level 2 heading. |
Heading3Element | Represents a level 3 heading. |
Heading4Element | Represents a level 4 heading. |
Heading5Element | Represents a level 5 heading. |
Heading6Element | Represents a level 6 heading. |
HeadingElement | Represents a heading. |
HorizontalRuleElement | Represents a horizontal rule. |
HyperlinkElement | Represents a hyperlink. |
ImageElement | Represents an image. |
LineBreakElement | Represents a line break. |
ListElement | Represents a list. |
ListItemElement | Represents a list item. |
OrderedListElement | Represents an ordered list. |
ParagraphElement | Represents a paragraph. |
ParseTreeRootElement | Represents the root node of a parse tree. |
PluginElement | Represents a plugin descriptor. |
PreformattedBlockElement | Represents a preforamtted block of text. |
StrongElement | Represents a strong part of text. |
TableCellElement | Represents a table cell. |
TableDataCellElement | Represents a table data cell. |
TableElement | Represents a table. |
TableHeaderCellElement | Represents a table header cell. |
TableRowElement | Represents a table row. |
TextElement | Represents plain text fragment. |
UnorderedListElement | Represents an unordered list. |
Mup Copyright © 2020 Andrei Fangli